Live Class with Sheikh Ibrahim Zidan



Live Classes and Q&A sessions with Sheikh Ibrahim Zidan

New live program of Sheikh:

Program Day Time (CST) Link
Tafseer Everyday except Sunday 6:40 am Launch the class
Aqeedah Sunday and Wednesday 7:45 pm Launch the class
Fiqh Monday and Thursday 7:45 pm Launch the class
Arabic Saturday 7:45 pm Launch the class

Please click here to learn more detailed information about the ongoing course. You can also send email for details to

If you’re attending a live session, please use this form to submit your attendance code.

To join the Classroom as a student and to take assignments and exams, click here.

If you participate at any level, please feel free to register to make proper arrangements and plan for zoom sessions and overall operations.

These are recordings of the lectures that the Sheikh is currently covering:

Tafseer: Surah Al-An’am | Word-for-Word Tafseer of Imam As-Sa’di

Video recordings

Audio recordings

Aqeedah: Sullam al-Wusool – Ma’arij al-Qubool

Video recordings

Audio recordings

Fiqh: Zad al-Mustaqni’ – Al-Rawd al-Murbi’

Video recordings

Audio recordings

Arabic: Al-Ajrumiyyah – Al-Tuhfa al-Saniyyah

Video recordings

Audio recordings

Hadith: Sunnan Ad-Darimi

After each class, there are brief Q&A sessions available, providing you with the opportunity to ask the Sheikh questions and receive instant answers.


These lectures of Sheikh have temporarily ceased and will resume at a later time, inshaAllah. Please stay tuned for updates on the website.

Program Day Time (CST) Link
Quran Intensive Study Everyday except Friday 7:00 pm Launch the class
Aqeedah Class Every Monday and Tuesday 6:30 pm Launch the class
Fiqh of Worship Every Wednesday 6:30 pm Launch the class
Hadith Program Every Thursday 6:30 pm Launch the class
Fiqh of Hearts Every Saturday 6:30 pm Launch the class

These are the books that Sheikh was covering:

Everyday except Friday: Tafseer of Surah Ghafir
Monday (Aqeedah): Sharh as-Sunnah by Imam Al-Muzani
Tuesday (Aqeedah): Principal in Tawassul by Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah
Wednesday (Fiqh of Worship): Important lessons by Sheikh Ibn Baaz
Thursday (Hadith Program): At-Targhib wat-Tarhib by Al-Munthery
Saturday (Fiqh of the hearts): Madarej As-Salekeen by Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim

After each class, there are brief Q&A sessions available, providing you with the opportunity to ask the Sheikh questions and receive instant answers.