Live Class with Sheikh Ibrahim Zidan


Live Classes and Q&A sessions with Sheikh Ibrahim Zidan

New live program of Sheikh:

Program Day Time (CST) Link
After Fajr class Tafseer Program After Fajr Launch the class
After Maghreb class Fiqh Program After Maghreb Launch the class

Recordings of Tafseer Program: Hizb Al-Mufassal Surahs
Recordings of Fiqh Program: Akhsar Al-Mokhtasarat, The book of Moamalaat (commercial transactions)

After each class, there are brief Q&A sessions available, providing you with the opportunity to ask the Sheikh questions and receive instant answers.


These lectures of Sheikh have temporarily ceased and will resume at a later time, inshaAllah. Please stay tuned for updates on the website.

Program Day Time (CST) Link
Quran Intensive Study Everyday except Friday 7:00 pm Launch the class
Aqeedah Class Every Monday and Tuesday 6:30 pm Launch the class
Fiqh of Worship Every Wednesday 6:30 pm Launch the class
Hadith Program Every Thursday 6:30 pm Launch the class
Fiqh of Hearts Every Saturday 6:30 pm Launch the class

These are the books the Sheikh is currently covering:

Everyday except Friday: Tafseer of Surah Ghafir
Monday (Aqeedah): Sharh as-Sunnah by Imam Al-Muzani
Tuesday (Aqeedah): Principal in Tawassul by Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah
Wednesday (Fiqh of Worship): Important lessons by Sheikh Ibn Baaz
Thursday (Hadith Program): At-Targhib wat-Tarhib by Al-Munthery
Saturday (Fiqh of the hearts): Madarej As-Salekeen by Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim

After each class, there are brief Q&A sessions available, providing you with the opportunity to ask the Sheikh questions and receive instant answers.