Qa’ida Jalila Fi At-Tawassul Wal-Wasila

Tawassul And Waseelah

Qa’ida Jalila Fi At-Tawassul Wal-Wasila

Tawassul and Waseelah

by Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah


Halal and Haram according to the Quran and Sunnah

Strictly following the prophet ﷺ

Intercession of the prophet ﷺ

How the Sahaba understood At-Tawassul

Conditions that prevent people from benefiting from the intercession and du’a of others

Intercession for sinners of this ummah, who didn’t repent to Allah, but died as Muslims (Part 1)

Intercession for sinners of this ummah, who didn’t repent to Allah, but died as Muslims (Part 2)

The origins of idol worship and the conditions for the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Allah does not accept anything other than the religion of tawhid


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