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Al-Ibanah Al-Kubra
by Imam Ibn Batta
Part 1 : Introduction ( the saved sect )
Part 2: Chapter why he compiled this book
Part 3: This life is darkness upon darkness, and light is a revelation from Allah. And people of knowledge are the sources of this light.
Part 4: This chapter is about obedience to Allah without even thinking about the benefit or outcome of it.
Part 5: This chapter talks about deviant sects that reject the Sunnah and oppose it, accepting only the Qur’an.
Part 6: This chapter highlights the fact that the Sunnah is also a wahi (revelation) from Allah and can never be separated from the Qur’an.
Part 7: This chapter provides more evidence that the Sunnah is a wahi (revelation) from Allah, and deviation from it leads to shirk.
Part 8: The chapter on the explanation of Al-Iman and its obligation is that it is affirmation by the heart, declaration by the tongue, and action by the limbs and movements. A person is not a believer except by these three.
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