10 Reasons, Why People Don’t Act Based On What They Know

10 Reasons, Why People Don’t Act Based On What They Know

Ten Reasons, Why People Don’t Act Based On What They Know

by Imam Ibn Qayyim

1st Reason | Weakness of knowledge of the person

2nd Reason | The person is unfit to act upon the knowledge

3rd Reason | Two barriers, such as Hasad (envy) and Qibr (arrogance)

4th Reason | Leadership positions

5th Reason | Sinful desires and wealth

6th Reason | Love for family, relatives and tribe

7th Reason | Love for certain place, land and country

8th Reason | Attachment to traditions and lineage

9th Reason | Enmity and envy towards a particular believer

10th Reason | Attachment to culture and lifestyle