Ma’arij Al-Qubool bi-Sharh Sulam Al-Wusool ila ‘Ilm Al-Usool
by Sheikh Hafidh ibn Ahmad Al-Hakami (d. 1377H)
Part 1
Introduction to the Course
- Outline of the lecture series and its goals.
Overview of the Book: Ma’arij al-Qabool (مَعَارِج القَبُول)
- Introduction to the book, its author, and its significance in Islamic scholarship.
- The relationship between the matn (مَتْن, core text) and its sharh (شَرْح, explanation).
Importance of Memorization in Seeking Knowledge (حفظ – Hifz)
- The Islamic tradition of preserving knowledge through hifz (حِفْظ).
- The role of precision in reciting and understanding key Islamic texts.
Structure and Content of Ma’arij al-Qabool (مَعَارِج القَبُول)
- Explanation of the matn: Sulam al-Wusool (سُلَّم الوُصُول).
- The thematic richness of the sharh: Evidences for matters of Aqeedah (عَقِيدَة) from the Qur’an (القُرْآن), Hadith (حديث), and statements of the Salaf (السَّلَف).
Thematic Emphasis in Aqeedah (عَقِيدَة)
- The centrality of Tawheed (تَوْحِيد) in belief:
- Tawheed al-Uluhiyyah (تَوْحِيد الأُلوهِيَّة – Oneness in Worship).
- Tawheed al-Ruboobiyyah (تَوْحِيد الرُّبُوبِيَّة – Oneness in Lordship).
- Tawheed al-Asma’ wa al-Sifaat (تَوْحِيد الأَسْمَاء وَالصِّفَات – Oneness in Names and Attributes).
- Foundations of Iman (إِيمَان): The six pillars of faith (arkaan al-iman – أَرْكَان الإِيمَان).
Praising Allah (سبحانه وتعالى): Names and Attributes
- Detailed discussion of Allah’s (الله) names and attributes (asmaa’ wa sifaat – أَسْمَاء وَصِفَات) as mentioned in the introduction.
- Practical implications of understanding Allah’s names in worship and submission.
The Purpose of Creation
- Understanding why Allah (الله) created humanity: Worship (ibaadah – عِبَادَة) and obedience (ta’ah – طَاعَة).
- The connection between knowledge (ilm – عِلْم) and action (‘amal – عَمَل) in fulfilling this purpose.
Historical Deviations in Aqeedah (عَقِيدَة)
- Overview of deviations among previous nations and their consequences.
- Warnings from Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) and the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) regarding sectarianism.
Characteristics of the Saved Sect (الفرقة الناجية – al-Firqah al-Najiyah)
- Definition of the saved group as those who adhere to the Qur’an (القُرْآن) and Sunnah (السُّنَّة) upon the understanding of the Sahabah (صَحَابَة, companions).
- Key qualities of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah (أَهْل السُّنَّة وَالجَمَاعَة).
Role of Evidence in Aqeedah (عَقِيدَة)
- The comprehensive use of Qur’anic verses and authentic Hadith (حديث) in matters of belief.
- Encouragement to prioritize authentic sources and avoid innovations (bid’ah – بِدْعَة).
The Scholar’s Intention and Du’a (دُعَاء)
- The author’s niyyah (نِيَّة, intention) behind writing the book.
- Supplication for sincerity and devotion in seeking knowledge.
Methodology for Studying the Text
- Memorizing the matn (مَتْن, text) for linguistic and conceptual understanding.
- Combining theoretical knowledge with practical application.
Conclusion and Call to Action
- The necessity of purifying one’s belief (aqeedah – عَقِيدَة) and aligning with the Qur’an (القُرْآن) and Sunnah (السُّنَّة).
- Encouragement to remain steadfast and seek Allah’s (سبحانه وتعالى) guidance in learning and implementing the teachings.
Part 2
Importance of Seeking Knowledge
- Virtue of attending gatherings of knowledge (majalis al-‘ilm – مَجَالِس العِلْم).
Introduction to the Text and Author
- Overview of Sulam al-Wusool (سُلَّم الوُصُول) and its commentary Ma’arij al-Qabool (مَعَارِج القَبُول).
- Author: Al-Hafidh Al-Hakami (رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّهُ) and his contributions to Islamic scholarship.
The Role of Bismillah (بِسْمِ اللَّهِ) in Islamic Practice
- Explanation of beginning every act with “Bismillah” for blessings (barakah – بَرَكَة) and seeking Allah’s help (isti’ana – ٱسْتِعَانَة).
- The deeper meaning of Allah’s name and its connection to worship (‘ibadah – عِبَادَة).
Detailed Explanation of Key Terms in the Opening Line
- Abda’u (أَبْدَأُ): Starting with the name of Allah in every action.
- Musta’eenan (مُسْتَعِينًا): Seeking help exclusively from Allah.
- Radin bihi (رَاضٍ بِهِ): Being pleased with Allah’s decree (qada’ – قَضَاء).
- Mudabbiran (مُدَبِّرًا): Acknowledging Allah as the manager of all affairs.
- Mu’inan (مُعِينًا): Relying on Allah for assistance in all matters.
Praising Allah (Alhamdulillah – ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ)
- Perfect praise of Allah for His guidance to the path of truth (sabeel al-haqq – سَبِيلِ الْحَقِّ).
- Gratitude for being chosen (ijtiba – اجْتِبَاء) as Muslims.
The Concept of Gratitude (Shukr – شُكْر) and Seeking Forgiveness (Istighfar – اِسْتِغْفَار)
- Distinction between hamd (حَمْد) and shukr (شُكْر).
- Seeking forgiveness for one’s shortcomings in actions (masawi al-‘amal – مَسَاوِي العَمَل).
Reliance on Allah (Tawakkul – تَوَكُّل) and His Decree
- Requesting Allah’s help to attain His pleasure (ridha – رِضَا).
- Recognizing Allah’s subtle kindness (lutf – لُطْف) in all decrees.
Introduction to the Declaration of Faith (Shahadah – شَهَادَة)
- Affirming the oneness of Allah and sincerity in worship (ikhlas – إِخْلَاص).
- The central role of the Shahadah in Islamic belief.
Part 3
- Explanation of key Arabic terms like “Wa Ba’du” (وَبَعْدُ) and its linguistic significance.
Testimony of Faith (Shahadat al-Ikhlas – شَهَادَةُ الْإِخْلَاصِ)
- The meaning and implications of declaring that none is worthy of worship except Allah.
- Importance of sincerity (Ikhlas – إخْلَاص) in worship and its connection to Tawheed (monotheism).
Attributes of Allah (Sifaat Allah – صِفَاتُ اللَّهِ)
- Allah’s perfection and freedom from deficiency (Ayb – عَيْبٌ) or imperfection (Nuqsan – نُقْصَانٌ).
- Explanation of divine exclusivity in worship and attributes.
The Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) as the Best of Creation
- Affirmation of Prophet Muhammad’s status as the greatest of Allah’s creation.
- His role in bringing guidance (Huda – هُدًى) and clear evidence (Bayyinat – بَيِّنَاتٌ) to all of humanity.
The Universality of Prophet Muhammad’s Message
- The Prophet’s mission as a mercy and guidance for all mankind.
- The concept of light (Nur – نُورٌ) in divine revelation and its connection to the Quran and Islam.
Sending Salutations upon the Prophet (Salah – صَلَاةٌ)
- Explanation of sending peace and blessings upon the Prophet and its significance in Islamic practice.
- Clarification of the terms “Salla Allahu Alayhi” (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ) and “Wa Majjada” (وَمَجَّدَ).
Definition of Ahlul-Bayt (أَهْلُ الْبَيْتِ) and Al-Al (آلُ)
- Clarifying the terms “Ahl” and “Al” in reference to the Prophet’s family and followers.
- Discussion on the inclusivity of “Al” to encompass the Prophet’s family, companions, and sincere followers.
The Companions of the Prophet (Sahabah – صَحَابَةٌ)
- Who qualifies as a Sahabi and their esteemed status in Islam.
- Importance of believing in and respecting the Prophet’s companions as role models of faith.
Conclusion: Sincerity and Patience in Learning
- Encouragement for sincerity (Ikhlas) in seeking Islamic knowledge.
- Patience and perseverance in understanding and practicing the teachings of Islam.
Part 4
Understanding the Pillars of Faith (Arkan al-Iman – أركان الإيمان)
- Explanation of belief in Allah (الإيمان بالله), His angels (الملائكة), His books (الكتب), His messengers (الرسل), the Last Day (اليوم الآخر), and predestination (القدر).
Foundations of Islam (Usul al-Islam – أصول الإسلام)
- Detailed discussion of the five pillars: Shahadah (الشهادة), Salah (الصلاة), Zakah (الزكاة), Sawm (الصوم), and Hajj (الحج).
The Importance of Sincerity (Ikhlas – إخلاص)
- Emphasis on performing acts of worship solely for the sake of Allah.
- The connection between sincerity and success in both dunya and akhirah.
Recognizing the Attributes of Allah (Sifaat Allah – صفات الله)
- Allah’s perfection, transcendence, and freedom from deficiency.
- How understanding Allah’s attributes strengthens faith.
The Covenant with Allah (Al-Mithaq – الميثاق)
- Reflection on the primordial covenant between Allah and mankind.
- Its relevance to our daily lives and ultimate accountability.
The Purpose of Creation (Hikmat al-Khalq – حكمة الخلق)
- Clarification that mankind was created to worship Allah (عبادة).
- Refutation of purposelessness in creation.
Reliance on Allah (Tawakkul – توكل)
- Encouragement to depend on Allah in all endeavors.
- Discussion on the concept of Allah as Al-Qadir (القادر) and Al-Baqi (الباقي).
Challenges in the Path of Knowledge (Talab al-Ilm – طلب العلم)
- Overcoming obstacles in seeking Islamic knowledge.
- Maintaining patience and sincerity while learning.
The Reality of Accountability (Hisab – حساب)
- Preparing for the Day of Judgment through righteous deeds.
- The contrast between the rewards of believers and the consequences for disbelievers.
The Role of Reflection (Tafakkur – تفكر)
- Encouragement to reflect on Allah’s creation as a means to strengthen faith.
- Verses highlighting the wisdom behind the creation of the heavens and the earth.
Exalting Allah Above All Deficiency (Tanzeeh – تنزيه)
- Affirmation of Allah’s transcendence and perfection.
- Rejecting any notion of weakness or imperfection in Allah’s essence and actions.
The Justice of Allah (Adl Allah – عدل الله)
- How Allah’s justice ensures ultimate recompense for every action.
- The distinction between the righteous and the wicked in the Hereafter.
Encouragement for Steadfastness in Worship
- Remaining consistent in obedience to Allah despite worldly distractions.
- The significance of aligning one’s life with the purpose of worship.
Part 5
Human Purpose and Wisdom of Creation
- Explanation of the verse: “Did you think that We had created you in play?” (23:115).
- Clarification of creation’s purpose: Worship (Ibadah – عبادة) of Allah.
Tawheed (توحيد) and Avoidance of Shirk (شرك)
- Defining Tawheed as the oneness of Allah in Uluhiyyah (ألوهية), Rububiyyah (ربوبية), and Asma wa Sifat (أسماء وصفات).
- Shirk as the greatest injustice and its types.
- Consequences of Shirk on deeds and faith.
Allah’s Command and Human Accountability
- Allah’s commands (Amr – أمر) and prohibitions.
- Relationship between Shari’ah (شرعية) and accountability in this life (Dar Al-Amal – دار العمل).
- Resurrection and judgment in the hereafter.
The Role of Jinn and Mankind
- Understanding the verse: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (51:56).
- The meaning of worship as a comprehensive act pleasing to Allah.
The Two Wills of Allah
- Differentiating between Mashiah Kawniyyah (مشيئة كونية) and Mashiah Shariyyah (مشيئة شرعية).
- How human actions fit within these two decrees.
Definition of Worship (Ibadah – عبادة)
- Comprehensive explanation of Ibadah.
- Actions, speech, and intentions that Allah loves and approves.
- Internal (Baatinah – باطنة) and external (Zahirah – ظاهرة) aspects of worship.
The Importance of Sincerity and Purity in Worship
- Avoiding associating partners with Allah in any form.
- Purifying intentions for the sake of Allah alone.
Lessons from the Early Generations (Salaf – سلف)
- Statements of the Sahabah and Tabi’een on the purpose of creation and worship.
- Reflections from Tafsir works like Ibn Kathir and Al-Tabari.
Practical Implementation of Worship
- Balancing obligations and free will in worship.
- How to incorporate sincerity and humility into daily acts.
Conclusion and Key Points for Reflection
- Summarizing the central themes of worship, sincerity, and purpose.
- Encouragement to internalize and practice the discussed principles.
Part 6
Definition and Purpose of Al-Ibadah (العبادة)
- Understanding Ibadah (العبادة) as the core purpose of creation.
- Explanation of the Qur’anic verse: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me” (Surah Adh-Dhariyat [الذاريات], 51:56).
The Creation of Adam (عليه السلام) and His Offspring
- How Allah created all humans from the loins of Adam (عليه السلام).
- The significance of human beings witnessing their covenant with Allah.
The Covenant (Al-Mithaq, الميثاق)
- Explanation of the covenant taken from Adam’s offspring.
- The ayah in Surah Al-A’raf (الأعراف) [7:172]: “Am I not your Lord?” (Alastu bi Rabbikum? [ألست بربكم]).
- The implications of this testimony in Rububiyyah (ربوبية – Lordship) and Uluhiyyah (ألوهية – Worship).
The Fitnah (فتنة) of Forgetfulness and Deviation
- How humans forgot the covenant due to environmental and societal influences.
- The role of messengers in reviving the original covenant (Mithaq, ميثاق).
Evidences from the Qur’an and Sunnah
- Detailed examination of ayat (آيات) and ahadith (أحاديث) supporting Al-Mithaq (الميثاق).
- Insights from Surah Al-A’raf (الأعراف) and authentic narrations from the Prophet ﷺ.
The Role of Fitrah (الفطرة)
- Fitrah (الفطرة) as the innate disposition toward the oneness of Allah (Tawheed, توحيد).
- The hadith: “Every child is born upon the Fitrah (الفطرة)…” (Sahih Muslim, صحيح مسلم).
The Three Covenants in Islamic Theology
- The Mithaq al-Awwal (الميثاق الأول) – The First Covenant with Adam’s offspring.
- The Mithaq al-Fitrah (ميثاق الفطرة) – Innate disposition to recognize Allah.
- The Mithaq al-Risalah (ميثاق الرسالة) – Covenant renewed through messengers and revelations.
Practical Implications of Al-Mithaq (الميثاق)
- How the covenant influences accountability in the Hereafter (Akhirah, الآخرة).
- The impact of the covenant on da’wah (دعوة) and human actions.
Part 7
Introduction: The Covenant of Al-Mithaq
- Definition of Al-Mithaq (الميثاق): The covenant Allah took from the progeny of Adam (عليه السلام).
- Fitrah (الفطرة): Innate acknowledgment of Allah’s Lordship and worthiness of worship.
Allah’s Mercy in Sending Messengers
- Explanation of how messengers (Rusul – رُسُل) remind humanity of the innate covenant.
- The relationship between the Mithaq and the revelation of divine books.
The Role of Revelation
- The Book (الكتاب): Sent with truth (Bil-Haqq – بالحق), emphasizing its divine origin.
- Literary nuances in divine language (e.g., patterns in Qur’anic and poetic forms).
The Wisdom Behind Messengers and Revelation
- Renewal of the Covenant: Reviving what is already embedded in human nature.
- Hujjah (الحجة): Establishing evidence for or against people, leaving no excuse for shirk.
The Nature of Divine Evidence
- Analogies to strengthen understanding:
- Metal stamping as a metaphor for the irrefutable authority of divine proof.
- Allah’s unmatched authority (Azza wa Jal – عز وجل).
Glad Tidings and Warnings
- Messengers as Mubashshirin (مبشرين) (bearers of glad tidings) and Munthirin (منذرين) (warners).
- Examples of those excused (e.g., those who were deaf, insane, or isolated).
The Final Messenger and Universal Message
- Role of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ): The seal of messengers, sent as a mercy to all creation (Rahmatan lil-Alamin – رحمةً للعالمين).
- Universal scope of his message, removing any excuses for ignorance.
The Covenant Through History
- Three stages of Mithaq (الميثاق):
- The original covenant taken from Adam’s progeny.
- The innate fitrah within every human being.
- The reminder through messengers and revelation.
Two Paths: Response to Divine Guidance
- Believers: Those who uphold the covenant and follow divine guidance.
- Disbelievers: Those who oppose and reject the truth, inheriting punishment.
The Continuous Need for Reflection
- Benefits of revisiting topics over multiple sessions for comprehension and application.
Part 8
Overview of the Covenants (العهود – Al-ʿUhūd)
- Explanation of the three covenants (الميثاق – Al-Mīthāq) Allah (SWT) took from humanity:
- Pre-creation covenant in the realm of souls (عالم الأرواح – ʿĀlam al-Arwāḥ).
- Innate recognition of Allah’s Lordship at birth (الفطرة – Al-Fiṭrah).
- Covenant reinforced through the messengers and scriptures.
Belief in the Messengers and Scriptures
- The conditions for fulfilling the covenant: belief in the messengers (الرسل – Al-Rusul) and divine books (الكتب – Al-Kutub).
- The consequences of rejecting the message and disbelieving.
Types of Disbelief (الكفر – Al-Kufr)
- Categories of disbelief, focusing on turning away (الإعراض – Al-Iʿrāḍ) and refusal (الإباء – Al-Ibāʾ) of divine guidance.
- Verses explaining the characteristics of disbelievers and their fate.
Characteristics of the Believers
- Attributes of those who uphold Allah’s covenant, including:
- Maintaining relationships (صلة الأرحام – Ṣilat al-Arḥām).
- Patience (الصبر – Al-Ṣabr).
- Establishing prayer (إقامة الصلاة – Iqāmat al-Ṣalāh).
- Giving in charity openly and secretly.
- Repelling evil with good deeds.
The Fate of the Two Groups
- Comparison between the believers’ reward in Paradise (جنة عدن – Jannat ʿAdn) and the disbelievers’ punishment in Hellfire (جهنم – Jahannam).
- Emphasis on Allah’s justice and mercy.
Reflection on Allah’s Wisdom and Justice
- Praising Allah’s perfect wisdom (حكمة – Ḥikmah) and absolute justice (عدل – ʿAdl).
- Reminder of Tawḥīd and reliance on Allah (لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله – Lā Ḥawla wa Lā Quwwata Illā Billāh).
Introduction to Tawḥīd (التوحيد – Al-Tawḥīd)
- Preview of the upcoming discussion on the categories of Tawḥīd:
- Rubūbiyyah (ربوبية) – Lordship.
- Ulūhiyyah (ألوهية) – Worship.
- Asmāʾ wa Ṣifāt (أسماء وصفات) – Names and Attributes.
- Clarification on deriving these principles from Qur’an and Sunnah.
Conclusion and Reminders
- Encouragement to memorize and reflect upon the discussed content.
Part 9
Purpose of Creation
- Explanation of why Allah created humanity and their obligations toward Him.
- The significance of Tawheed (oneness of Allah) in creation.
The Two Types of Tawheed
- Tawheed al-Maʿrifah wa al-Ithbaat (توحيد المعرفة والإثبات):
Knowledge of Allah’s Lordship (Rububiyyah) and His Names and Attributes (Asmaʾ wa Sifat). - Tawheed al-Talab wa al-Qasd (توحيد الطلب والقصد):
Directing acts of worship solely to Allah (Uluhiyyah).
Tawheed al-Maʿrifah wa al-Ithbaat Explained
- Understanding Allah’s Lordship (Rububiyyah): Allah as the Creator, Sustainer, and Maintainer of all.
- Affirmation of Allah’s perfect Names and Attributes.
- Avoiding resemblance (Tamthil), negation (Ta’til), and association (Shirk).
Tawheed al-Talab wa al-Qasd Explained
- The essence of worship (Ibadah) directed only to Allah.
- Purity of intention (Ikhlas), love (Mahabbah), reliance (Tawakkul), and fear (Khawf) of Allah.
- Recognizing the exclusivity of Allah in all acts of devotion.
Tawheed in the Qur’an
- How the Qur’an emphasizes Tawheed in its entirety.
- Verses affirming Allah’s attributes, acts of worship, and commands.
- Consequences of adhering to or opposing Tawheed.
The Necessity of Belief in the Creator
- Rational proofs of Allah’s existence and His role as Creator.
- Refutation of the idea of self-creation or creation from nothing.
Lessons from the Creation of the Universe and Humans
- Reflecting on the signs of Allah in the heavens and earth.
- The stages of human creation as evidence of Allah’s power.
The Rewards of Tawheed
- Honoring the people of Tawheed in this life and the hereafter.
- The ultimate success: entry into Jannah.
The Consequences of Shirk (شرك)
- Punishment for associating partners with Allah in this life and the hereafter.
- Shirk as the greatest sin and its opposition to the essence of Islam.
The Role of Messengers in Establishing Tawheed
- The primary message of all prophets: calling to Tawheed.
- How the messengers began with affirming Allah’s oneness and forbidding Shirk.
Summary of the Qur’anic Focus on Tawheed and Shirk
- Six essential themes of the Qur’an regarding Tawheed and its rights versus Shirk and its consequences.
Conclusion and Call to Reflection
- Importance of internalizing the meanings of Tawheed.
- Reflecting on the oneness of Allah as a foundation for faith and action.